Park Worms [disco]

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I think this counts as "Throwback Thursday". This was Kore's first bug crush in public. The only downside was she did it while overshadowed by a large tree. It's base price has already been discounted for that reason.

Kore’s outdoors and looking absolutely adorable for her first public crush video, as she squishes a bunch of juicy hornworms under her beautiful bare feet and sexy, red pedicured toes.

Kore places each worm down and crushes them one by one, twisting them under her toes and oozing their guts out under her powerful bare heels.

She’s such an outgoing and confidant girl, the prospect of people walking by really doesn’t seem to bother or phase her at all. At one point, somebody walks along the sidewalk behind her, staring at her as if perplexed at what she's doing.

Lots of cute laughing and giggling throughout from the magnificent Kore.

Crush fetish thumbnails

A few highlights from the video:

1:09 Kore bursts a worm’s guts out under her big toe and giggles as she twists it into mush.

1:30 Kore gushes more worm guts out under her sexy, powerful bare heel, grinding until there’s no juice left in him.

1:56 “What a beautiful day to squish you! Hahaha.” Kore makes another worm explode under her beautiful big toe while she laughs without pity.

2:16 Kore uses her toes to play with another hornworm, letting him crawl around a little before grinding him to goo under her toes and bare sole. A guy in the background watches her as he walks past and can’t take his eyes off Kore. I can’t really blame him…

3:46 Beautiful relentless foot twisting under the ball of Kore’s right foot.

4:22 Kore turns and faces her heels towards the camera. She presses her right heel firmly into another worm and his juices burst out of him under the pressure.

5:51 Kore uses her cute little pinky toe to sever a hornworm in half and twist him to a gooey pulp. “Squish you with my little toe, hahaha! SQUISH!”

6:36 A large hornworm gets his guts splattered out onto the pavement under Kore’s big toe. She laughs as she twists her sole into him, then dances all over the worm goo and slime on the floor. She sits down and shows off her slimy, messy bare soles and cute wiggling toes.